Dirulaguntzak eta zerga kenkariakBanku finantzaketa Diru-ezarle publiko eta pribatuak Produkzio eta komertzial ezarpenak Nazioarteko I+G+B proiektuak Nazioarteko lizitazioak Subvenciones y deducciones fiscales Financiación bancaria Inversores públicos y privados Implantaciones comerciales y productivas Proyectos de I+D+i internacionales Licitaciones internacionalesGrants and tax deductions Bank Financing Public & private investors International company establishment International R&D&I projects International biddings


kailash is an international consulting company which offers services in the fields of company establishment, finance seeking and international expansion.

We are a team of professionals from different cultural backgrounds, all of whom hold university degrees, speak several languages and are experienced in managing interdisciplinary projects.

Our activities are based upon the values of continuous learning, specialisation, innovation, proactivity and corporate social responsibility.

kailash has a network of offices and associated consultancy companies in countries offering the highest potential for international expansion. Our teams work in coordination with one another through unique working procedures, developed over years of experience.
