Dirulaguntzak eta zerga kenkariakBanku finantzaketa Diru-ezarle publiko eta pribatuak Produkzio eta komertzial ezarpenak Nazioarteko I+G+B proiektuak Nazioarteko lizitazioak Subvenciones y deducciones fiscales Financiación bancaria Inversores públicos y privados Implantaciones comerciales y productivas Proyectos de I+D+i internacionales Licitaciones internacionalesGrants and tax deductions Bank Financing Public & private investors International company establishment International R&D&I projects International biddings


Every entrepreneurial exercise entails, amongst others, the difficulties mentioned below:

· Project analysis and development: Prior to any decision or action, an exhaustive analysis has to be done, regarding all aspects of the project (legal, financial, logistic, intercultural, etc.) that will have an impact on the business.

· Operational issues: In processes like these, a reliable collaborator and provider network is needed.

· Project financing: A proper combination of subsidies and bank financing is usually crucial in the initial phase of company creation.

Given these difficulties, at kailash we offer specialised consulting services aimed at establishing and financing new entrepreneurial projects, providing them with the best suitable environment for their implementation and development.
