Dirulaguntzak eta zerga kenkariakBanku finantzaketa Diru-ezarle publiko eta pribatuak Produkzio eta komertzial ezarpenak Nazioarteko I+G+B proiektuak Nazioarteko lizitazioak Subvenciones y deducciones fiscales Financiación bancaria Inversores públicos y privados Implantaciones comerciales y productivas Proyectos de I+D+i internacionales Licitaciones internacionalesGrants and tax deductions Bank Financing Public & private investors International company establishment International R&D&I projects International biddings


Financing different types of business projects can be an arduous and complex process that requires:

· Time: Qualifying for grants, subsidies and preferential financing involves handling lots of paperwork and managing a plethora of legal requirements, all of which demand exhaustive dedication. As such, many companies lack the flexibility needed.

· Experience: The knowledge and perspective necessary to properly determine the best possible financial strategy for each project can only be obtained over years of experience.

· Versatility: The financing process becomes more and more complicate as different projects (R&D&I, international establishment, investment projects, etc.) need to be coordinated with different sorts of fund providers (public and private investors, banks, innovation agencies, etc.). Multidisciplinary skills are needed to properly coordinate all of these themes.

Regarding all these circumstances, at kailash we offer a service that provides companies with the expertise and professionalism needed to optimally manage and finance multidisciplinary projects.